Request and Attend a February Recess Town Hall
Let's make the Republicans squirm and make sure Democrats fight like hell.
The House of Representatives is in congressional recess from February 14th-23rd This time is allotted for members of Congress to work in their districts and engage with constituents they represent. It is also the perfect time for them to hold public town halls and hear the concerns of their constituents live and in person. That’s where we come in.
Your representatives work for you: you should have regular opportunities to discuss their positions, platforms, and how their legislative agendas will affect you and those close to you.
Town halls are a critical tool for holding representatives accountable for their actions and ensuring that these elected officials, who spend much of their time outside of their home states, are hearing the needs and concerns of their constituents in person.
With Trump and Elon Musk pulling off a billionaire coup in real time, this congressional recess is about turning up the heat like never before.
Every Republican who backs Elon's coup must feel the heat. Every Democrat who fights back must feel our support.
Take the opportunity during this recess period to speak to your members of Congress. Attend a scheduled town hall, or if your congressional members refuse to hold a town hall, request an in-office meeting to discuss your concerns.
You can find who represents you in Congress at this link:
NOTE: Select a local office number to get the most up-to-date town hall schedule information.
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, STATE].
I'm calling to ask if Rep. [NAME] is planning to have any town halls during the February recess?
IF YES: I’d like to RSVP. May I please have the details?
IF NO: Then I’d like to request that Rep. [NAME] schedule one. There are many pressing matters we constituents should be able to voice our opinion face to face.
OPTIONAL: Would Rep. [NAME] or their legislative aide be available to meet with me to talk about [specific issue you find most concerning]? I have concerns I'd like to discuss.
Thank you for time and consideration.
IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied
We need more people like you that can come up with wording. We all should write letters to Trump demanding a response to what he is allowing to go on. I am not a good enough writer or speaker.
I have requested a town hall and encouraged others in my area to also call for one. Our representative only shows up for ribbon cuttings.